It's hard to believe that we're already nearing the end of August #wheredidsummergo? Often at this time of year, as vacations and memories of hot summer days melt away and we start to re-focus on work or school our fitness and wellness routines start to FALL (see what I did there) by the wayside. Here are a few tips to help keep you on track with your training:
Set Some Short- and Long-Term Goals
These goals should be realistic and specific and your short-term goals should be conducive to your long-term goals. Make sure you have identified some sort of measurable outcome that will allow you to identify when you've reached each goal for example: hitting a specific squat PR, running a specific 5 km time, or even fitting into a smaller dress size.
Create a REALISTIC Plan to Reach Your Goals
Without a plan to reach them, goals are just wishes. Create a training plan that is directly conducive to your goals; make sure it is realistic in terms of training volume, time commitment and scheduling. Need help with this? There are plenty of trainers that offer online or distance programming to help you reach your fitness and wellness goals!
Whether this means laying out your training clothes and gear the night before, meal prepping your pre- and post-workout fuel, or even pre-entering your gym's address into iMaps, try to set yourself up for success today, by doing something you'll thank yourself for tomorrow.
Hold Yourself Accountable...Or Find Someone Else To!
There are a variety of ways to hold yourself accountable to your training program such as setting alarms on your phone, downloading a training app, or wearing a fitness tracking device. You should also be keeping track of your performance in each workout, either during or immediately following your session to be sure you're on track and your programming is working for you! You can do this in a notebook, on a spreadsheet, or through a specific app. Again, if you need a little bit more 'support' find yourself a trainer or a training buddy! Your plan will only be effective if you actually stick to it!
Give Yourself a Break!
This may sound a little counter to what I've been suggesting so far, but nothing derails a training plan more than an overuse injury or training burnout! Even though it is great for us, physical activity is in fact a physiological stress. And, when we try to 'force' a session into an already packed or sleep-deprived day, it can become a mental/emotional stress as well. The last thing you want is to start resenting your training program and goals. So...give yourself a rest day when you need it, throw in a cheat meal every once in a while, and don't beat yourself up if you really legitimately have to skip a session.
If you are interested in committing to a regular training routine, check out the Small But Might Build and Burn program; the next cycle begins Sept 2nd! Also, be sure to sign up for our newsletter - all the details of our fall #sweatacrossthe6ix tour are being released tonight!