The (F)Empower Project is a project that lies very close to my heart, along with many other things in the 'athletic sector' of my life, such as Academy of Lions CrossFit Gym and Athletic Club. It was here that I was given my first chance to coach CrossFit classes, take on personal training clients, and develop into the trainer, athlete, and coach that I am today. I am forever indebted to Dhani Oks, one of the co-owners of Academy, along with the Lion community for shaping me into the student-athlete-coach-wife-dogmum that I am today; the influence of this community on who I am today is beyond measure. And for this reason, I was super stoked when Ashley Dier, a member of the media team 'slacked' me (thats right, I managed to properly use technology) to see if I'd be interested in chatting with her a for a few minutes for a profile piece for the Academy of Lions blog. I had no idea at this time that the topic of our conversation would lie so close to the messaging I am promoting through the (F)Empower Project.
Saturday arrived; I saw a few clients, taught a class, and then we slowly headed up to the third floor (my sanctuary) in a gap I had before teaching NTC, and then it happened...Ashley started talking to me about WOMEN IN SPORT! My heart almost jumped through my mouth and backflipped across the studio. I think I can say, without doubt, the conversation I had with Ashley last weekend was one of my favourite...EVER.... Not only because we talked about women in sport, but also because chatted about defining the term 'athlete', hockey, evidence-based training, the responsibilities of community leaders and social media influencers, and even running (yes I said running). It was meaningful, relaxed, and real. And because the topic of our conversation ties in so closely to the content of the (F)Empower Project, you can check it out by clicking the link below!
Have an amazing weekend friends!